ASN.1 Solutions

In an interconnected world, it is essential to have a common language to enable the exchange of data between communicating systems. ASN.1 technology has risen to the challenge by providing a language to define these data formally as well as encoding rules for transcribing them and allow their transport.

The main advantage of ASN.1 is that it is independent of programming languages, operating systems and all hardware.

ASN.1 is a largely proven technology used in a large number of industry fields: UMTS and LTE mobile telecommunications, intelligent transportation (ITS), lawful interception (LI), computer telephone coupling with CSTA...

UNIGONE proposes a software suite comprising an ASN.1, ASN.1 API Java/ C#, and an ASN.1 analyser.

The robustness of our tools, coupled with a very simple licence mode make our solutions an undeniable reference on the market.

This significantly reduces the time spent on your application developments.

ASN.1 compiler

An ASN.1 schema is the description of protocol data using the ASN.1 language. An ASN 1 compiler is in charge of translating this schema to the developer's programming language.

Asn1Compiler manages the most complex ASN.1 schemas and provides users with a code that they can use in their applications.

The automatic production of the code by the compiler and the use of a strictly tested runtime, thus considerably reduce development costs.

Our distribution policy is extremely simple: the code generated by the compiler and the runtime can be distributed as many times as you want at no extra cost.

Asn1Compiler is compliant with
ITU-T/ISO X.68x specifications.
       Asn1Compiler generates
Java or C# code.
        The runtime supports BER/DER,
PER/UPER, XER/EXER encoding rules.


Asn1 APIs

Java/C# Asn1APIs, derived from the most widely used ASN.1/XML schemas, are proposed off the shelf (UMTS, CSTA, TAP3, etc.). An Asn1API is a library containing all the material needed to encode and decode data according to an ASN.1 schema.

You can also send us your own ASN.1 schema. In return, we willl supply you with the Asn1API in Java or C#.

This brings you, at little cost, the full efficiency of ASN.1 without having to buy a compiler.

Our distribution policy is extremely simple: buy one Asn1API and deploy your applications as many times as you want at no extra cost.

Asn1APIs are generated by
       Asn1APIs are available for
Java and C# languages.
       An Asn1API embeds a runtime that supports
the encoding rules specified by the protocol.


ASN.1 analyser

UNIGONE supplies Asn1Browser, an ASN1 protocol analyser. It enables you to display a graphic view of a data stream based on an ASN.1 schema, either in network mode or by reading from binary or text files.
